Reach More Clients
Increase your business prospects by getting in front of new potential clients.

Grow Your Reputation
Answer legal questions and stand out among the rest.

Free Directory Listing Plan

Rs 00 Year
  • Listing as featured
  • Contact Owner
  • WatsApp Link
  • Best for individuals & Firms
  • Auto renewing
  • Listing as featured
  • Overview
  • All Categories
  • Enrollment Number
  • Allow Customer Review
  • Claim Badge Included

Premium Webpage Plan

Rs 500 Year
  • 1 Regular Listings
  • WatsApp Link
  • Premium Webpage
  • No Annual Hosting Charges
  • No Theme Updates Charges
  • No Maintenance
  • Responsive Design
  • Desktop Version
  • Tab Version
  • Mobile Version
  • Mobile Friendly
  • SEO Plugin Enabled
  • Schema Coded Page
  • Unlimited Regular Listings
  • QR Code Display
  • Customer Review
  • 15+ Elements
  • 4+ Social Media Buttons
  • Enrollment Number